Parents |
Grandparents |
Great Grandparents |
Great Great Grandparents |
Es,Fin, Int, Pr, Su, Us,Champion
Opus De Chapeau Terrier |
Es. Champion Fensi Vul Ask
Me Why |
CH Avgust Strong Sensybility |
Monmorensy Irish Hippy |
Peppilotta New Century |
CH Obseshen's Uolla |
CH Efoldzens Irish Hippy |
Ru. CH Shel Barby Perl Nice Hills |
La-Claveles De Chapeau Terrier |
CH El-Tukan-Azul De Chapeau
Terrier |
Es. CH Arigna Oskar |
Water Resistant Pelandruska |
Costa D'or Eiffel |
Brookbank's Boy Wonder |
Garnemore Lisalee |
NU. SU. Champion Rollick's
Fame'n Glory |
INT. NORD. NU. SU. Champion
Rollick's Absolutely Glorious |
Int. Nord. CH Rollick's Imagination |
Su. CH Blue'n Cocky Trendy Tristan |
Int. Nord. CH Rollick's Diva |
SU. CH Rollick's Fairy Princess |
Int. Nord. CH Shylock Excalibur |
Su. CH Rollick's Dream Weaver |
Fin. Int. NU. SU. Champion
Rollick's Canadian Queen |
Ca. Int. Nord. Nu. CH Rollick's
Flying Colours |
Int. Nord. CH Valera's TinTin |
Int. Nord. CH Rollick's By Design |
DKU. FIN. INT. NU. SU. CH Curragh's
Katana |
US. CH Curragh's Iron Liege |
US. CH Curragh's The Huntress |
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Trial Edition licensed to Mrs M Clarke. |